Note that in the last result set, with the Top clause, the number of records from each Market corresponds to the associated value in the MarketType.TopCustomersToGet. I'm using a cross apply here, which worked for me. Be sure and test performance, some sources indicate that you might get better performance with a CTE.
Declare @MarketType table (MarketTypeID tinyint, MarketImportance varchar(10), TopCustomersToGet int)
insert into @MarketType values
(1 , 'High', 4)
,(2 , 'Low' , 2)
Declare @Market Table (MarketName varchar(20), MarketTypeID int)
insert into @Market values
('Paris' ,1)
,('London' ,1)
,('Miami' ,2)
,('Seattle' ,2)
Declare @Customer table (MarketName varchar(20), CustomerName varchar(20), CustomerRank int)
insert into @Customer values
Select * from @MarketType
Select * from @Market
Select * from @Customer
From @Market Market
join @MarketType MarketType
on Market.MarketTypeID = MarketType.MarketTypeID
Cross apply (
Select top
from @Customer Customer
Customer.MarketName = Market.MarketName
order by
Customer.CustomerRank desc
) as TopCustomers