I've been working on performance tuning stored procedures recently. These are stored procedure that just return data, with no data modification, mostly for reporting. Often the performance tuning isn't the hard part. The hard part is making sure that the changes that I make don't introduce bugs into the output.
Here's a process I use to make the testing processes easier for this type of procedure.
Step 1: Creating a select statement that outputs an executable script, with a random assortment of IDs
Most of the stored procedures take, as a parameter, a UserID (or some other ID field). In order to get a set of stored procedure calls with a random UserID, you can use a script like the following:
Select Top 10
'exec api_GetTiers '
+ '''' +
+ convert(varchar(100), UserID) + ''''
From Users
Order by NEWID()
When you run the above script, it will give you an output that is a set of calls to your target stored procedure. The NewID() function is used in order to get a random set of UserIDs for the parameter.
Step 2: Execute the stored procedure, with random UserIDs
The output of this script will look something like this:
exec api_GetTiers '40273230'
exec api_GetTiers '60372087'
exec api_GetTiers '30128477'
exec api_GetTiers '60008969'
exec api_GetTiers '60121799'
exec api_GetTiers '00303810'
exec api_GetTiers '60466614'
exec api_GetTiers '60147429'
exec api_GetTiers '70278452'
exec api_GetTiers '50542343'
Copy and paste the output into a new query window in SQL Server Management Studio, and change the output to Text mode instead of Grid Mode (right-click in the query window, click on Results To, then choose Text).
Next, execute the set of stored procedure calls.
Copy and paste the output (since the Results are now in text mode, it's easy to do) into a text editing tool. My tool of choice is Notepad++.
The final step is to update the stored procedure that you're working on, and then follow the above procedure again. You will now have two chunks of text, one with the output of the old stored procedure and one with the output of the new stored procedure, both called with the same UserIDs. Compare the output from the old and the new versions of the stored procedure with your preferred text comparison tool (I use the Compare plugin, in Notepad++).
Any differences that show up are potential bugs.